VentuRe Remoting App
Fresh from the Rayd Lab, here is our brand new Venture Remoting App, a control app for Ventuz projects that uses the .NET remoting protocol. What makes it amazing is the fact that it automatically reads out the Externals in your Ventuz presentation when you connect the app to your Ventuz server over the local network. You can then create your own control interface through simple drag-and-drop, apply an external to each button, text field or slider, and start controlling your Ventuz project. Simple as that! The Venture Remoting App is still in a beta version, so we would love for you to download and test it. Give us your feedback, so we can make it better. More features are already in the making.
If you are using IOS and want to be a beta tester of our Venture Remoting App, please fill in your Data in the form below and hit submit. You will receive a mail with Apple Testflight information shortly after that.
If you want to try our app on Android, just download it from the Playstore or use this link:
[contact-form-7 id=”3228″ title=”Venture Beta IOS Form”]